"Vase with Three Sunflowers," created in 1888, is an enchanting work by the renowned artist Vincent Van Gogh. The vivid sunflowers, set against serene shades of blue and green, epitomize Van Gogh's revolutionary use of color and impassioned brushwork, making it one of his most evocative floral compositions.
You can obtain as well Six Sunflowers on the royal-blue background on canvas by Van Gogh, the second version. Formerly private collection, in Ashiya, Japan, destroyed by the US air raid during World War II on 6 August 1945
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Vase with Three Sunflowers by Van Gogh
It's no prints or digital art. Nor is AI product!
This is genuine oil painting 100% hand-made on cotton stretched canvas and is coming directly from the art studio.
SIZE: 40 x 50 cm / 16” x 20”. Deep strong cotton canvas. Sides of canvas are painted too. Ready to hang without frame.
MATERIALS: Oil, Canvas, Varnish. Original painting, MEDIUMS: Professional oil paints (mostly Rembrandt & Van Gogh) on hand- stretched linen canvas, which I do by myself. Finally, all artworks are coated with 2 layers of artistic varnish to protect from dust and UV rays damage.
ARTIST: Olga Begisheva K.
CERTIFICATE: Yes, you will have the certificate of authenticity on a back side of the painting.
PACKAGING: Paintings on the canvas are shipped in a tube or in a solid card box.
Paintings on the canvas boards (small size) are shipped in the card box.
SHIPPING: Worldwide shipping 5-10 business days.NOTE: The shipping includes warranty against damage during the transportation.
GUARANTEE: 30 Days full money refund accepted.
CUSTOM ORDERS (size, colour, etc.) accepted. Please, contact me by order message to communicate all your preferences.Vincent Willem van Gogh was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter who posthumously became one of the most famous and influential figures in Western art history. In a decade, he created about 2,100 artworks, including around 860 oil paintings, most of which date from the last two years of his life. Wikipedia